Our History

Antioch All Nations Church is a missional church of all nations.
​​1. Antioch Church of Philadelphia
In 1994, Antioch Church of Philadelphia was founded in Conshohocken, PA. by Reverend Sungkee Ho.
2. Antioch Five Churches
Then, Antioch Church was planted into five churches.
Korean Church (Pastor Sungkee Ho [Emeritus], Pastor JaeYoung Lim)
Embrace Church (Pastor Joseph Chung)
Spanish Church (Pastor Chung Yang)
All Nations Church (Pastor Eddie Ko)
City Church (Pastor Kevin Lee)
3. Antioch All Nations Church
In 2015, Pastor Eddie Ko joined as the first lead pastor of All Nations Church.
In May of 2018, All Nations Church was official launched with 30+ members.
4. All Nations Church Korean Congregation
In January of 2023, 5 Korean speaking families who have the heart for diaspora missions
gathered and started a Korean Congregation.